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Showing posts from July, 2022Show All
Migraine - Abnormal migraine symptoms : Women-care
Migraine - Anybody cured their migraine? : Women-care
Migraine - Frequent Headaches, not sure of next steps : Women-care
Migraine - Whats your migraine relief, besides medication? : Women-care
Migraine - every time i take my triptans, i wonder if it's worth the side effects. if i don't take them one time i remember it is... : Women-care
Migraine - Migrane headaches occuring daily once I started working out : Women-care
Migraine - Just need to rant : Women-care
Migraine - What category to headaches caused by medication go into? : Women-care
Migraine - Anyone with BCBS HMO have insight on Botox injection out of pocket cost? : Women-care
Migraine - AR vs transition eyeglasses for light sensitivity : Women-care
Migraine - Zoloft + Rizatriptan : Women-care
Migraine - PLEASE help me decide if I should postpone my trip or not! : Women-care
Migraine - new to frova and nervous to try : Women-care
Migraine - Experience on amitriptyline : Women-care
Migraine - How to get MRI results? : Women-care
Migraine - I rented a car for a trip and it smells so strongly of cleaners. any suggestions for how to deal with it? : Women-care
Migraine - Ajovy any advice/tips? : Women-care
Migraine - Ouch. : Women-care
Migraine - Try the whole way or call it? : Women-care
Migraine - How is it always migraine? : Women-care
Migraine - To those who take Ajovy : Women-care
Migraine - When I thought a month of daily minor migraines was over I had a bad one last night. Apparently I can't eat chocolate anymore, wtf? : Women-care
Migraine - does anyone else have intense pain during botox injections? : Women-care
Migraine - I have never had a migraine triggered by a smell before (migraine with aura) but this stuff just about knocked me on my bum! Beware! : Women-care
Migraine - Advice for someone going on a big desert vacation? 😅 : Women-care
Migraine - Medical Mystery : Women-care
Migraine - how long can yours last? : Women-care
Migraine - getting off of birth control with menstrual migraines. terrified and in need of advice : Women-care
Migraine - Amitriptyline side effects : Women-care
Migraine - Need to discontinue Ajovy due to insurance, anyone experience rebound when coming off (or coming off Aimovig/Emgality)? : Women-care
Migraine - Bad side effects with emgality : Women-care
Migraine - All botox treatment receivers please reply! : Women-care
Migraine - Vertigo for 3 days after migraine? : Women-care
Migraine - Anyone tried verapamil for migraines? : Women-care
Migraine - What hobbies can I do to earn money? : Women-care
Migraine - topamax is still affecting me a month later... : Women-care
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