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Showing posts from August, 2022Show All
Migraine - compazine and toradol : Women-care
Migraine - 3 day Migraine treatment : Women-care
Migraine - What are your migraine trigger free hobbies? : Women-care
Migraine - Anyone else experience migraines like me? : Women-care
Migraine - Best supplements you’ve found for migraine preventative? : Women-care
Migraine - My Neuro-Optho doctor just told me he thinks I have migraines 🤦🏻‍♀️ : Women-care
Migraine - Petition to ban fluorescent lights : Women-care
Migraine - Molly”ecstacy” and imitrex i took for migraine its fucking with my heart. Anyone ever experience this?i cant find any information online! : Women-care
Migraine - I think I've confirmed Pure Protein bars as one source of my migraines, why these? : Women-care
Migraine - Pounding unbearable migraine for 2 weeks now, rizatriptan works but comes back 6-8 hours later. : Women-care
Migraine - Green light therapy : Women-care
Migraine - Tired/out of breath after simple things : Women-care
Migraine - Is it okay if I have an emgality injection every two months? : Women-care
Migraine - First timer : Women-care
Migraine - Now this is efficiency, raging migraine before I even get my dose of botox. Multipurpose ice packs for the win! : Women-care
Migraine - Getting off SSRIs = migraine trigger? : Women-care
Migraine - I already take an injectable med for RA, and I have to have blood drawn all the time. Plus never-ending Covid vaccines. Today I’m starting Ajovy. I’m really tired of getting poked. :( : Women-care
Migraine - recovering from a brutal 4 day migrain and I feel almost concussed. should i push myself or not? : Women-care
Migraine - Hormonal Migraine : Women-care
Migraine - I read a book on nervous diseases from 1895 and... : Women-care
Migraine - How soon after a migraine can you guys exercise without it just causing another migraine? : Women-care
Migraine - Electrolytes? : Women-care
Migraine - Why am I having such bad luck with neurologists? [rant] : Women-care
Migraine - How to exercise? : Women-care
Migraine - excedrine : Women-care
Migraine - Alternatives to caffeine for energy? : Women-care
Migraine - Migraines or is this something more serious? : Women-care
Migraine - i’m a week into quitting coffee. it’s constant torment. : Women-care
Migraine - I want to remove my bones : Women-care
Migraine - i get migraines after eating icing and certain other foods and I can't find anything online about it, is this a thing?!? : Women-care
Migraine - Vyvanse was a breakthrough for my vestibular migraine fatigue + brain fog : Women-care
Migraine - Migraine reappearance after 10 years without : Women-care
Migraine - Is it risky to try botox if I need to be able to move my face for work? : Women-care
Migraine - New Chronic silent/vestibular migraines making me feel like I have the flu :( : Women-care
Migraine - Should I take another triptan if I vomit not too long after taking it? : Women-care
Migraine - Unexplainable Headache : Women-care
Migraine - Migraine medicine back ordered : Women-care
Migraine - Good jobs for migraines? : Women-care
Migraine - Venting again because I just feel so discouraged : Women-care
Migraine - Ajovy Injection allergic Reaction : Women-care
Migraine - Aura migraine with awful symptoms : Women-care
Migraine - Migraines caused by excitement/anxiety : Women-care
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