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Showing posts from April, 2023Show All
Migraine  - Shooting pain during orgasm? : Women-care
Migraine  - My migraine journey : Women-care
Migraine  - Whew! Injectable Imitrex surprisingly strong : Women-care
Migraine  - Hemiplegic Migraine : Women-care
Migraine  - Vitamin A toxicity : Women-care
Migraine  - Frequency of auras? : Women-care
Migraine  - TMJ disease : Women-care
Migraine  - 10 day long mild migraine : Women-care
Migraine  - Migraine that lasts for 6 and a half months. : Women-care
Migraine  - Persistent Aura vs Visual Snow Syndrome : Women-care
Migraine  - Neurologist’s office refuses to approve more than 4 days off a month?! : Women-care
Migraine  - Brain fog? Or is there a better term? : Women-care
Migraine  - Close one. My Neuro had put a coupon code in with my original Rx for Ubrelvy, but it must have expired as my meds were $950 for this months 10 pills. Luckily, I was able to download another RX savings card that was accepted and brought it down to $0. : Women-care
Migraine  - Migraines and BM : Women-care
Pregnancy - Best Sensory Toys and Products for Babies, Toddlers, and Kids : Women-care
Migraine  - Awful Migraine : Women-care
Migraine  - Laughing headaches : Women-care
Migraine  - Intensifying visual symptoms : Women-care
Migraine  - Zolmitriptan : Women-care
Migraine  - Post Botox : Women-care
Migraine  - Asking neurologist for preventatives - any advice? : Women-care
Migraine  - Higher elevation migraines : Women-care
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