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Migraine - Feeling helpless : Women-care

Migraine overview

A migraine is a headache that can purpose intense throbbing suffering or a pulsing sensation, typically on one facet of the head. It's often accompanied with the aid of nausea, vomiting, and excessive sensitivity to mild and sound. Migraine assaults can closing for hours to days, and the discomfort can be so excessive that it interferes with your each day activities. For some people, a warning symptom viewed as an air of secrecy takes location until now than or with the headache. An air of secrecy can consist of visible disturbances, such as flashes of mild or blind spots, or different disturbances, such as tingling on one thing of the face or in an arm or leg and concern speaking.

My experience-Feeling helpless

I’m on month six of my migraine journey. Never had a history of migraines.

I’ve had CAT and MRI, nothing remarkable. Small cyst on midline of frontal brain. Shouldn’t, and I quote, be a problem.

Began daily preventives in June. Started with Topamax and had a horrible reaction, now I’m on Quiltlpa. I also take Propanalol 160mg, Listinopril 20mg, low estrogen BC, cQ10, Magnesium, anti vomit pill that starts with a P, and Cymbalta 30mg. I also am self medicating with THC/CBD. I’ll also mention I’m taking elderberry for night sweats.

My morning nausea is the worst of my side effects. I’m out of work because of my headache and neck pain. I’m half a person most days. I have a headache all the time (2-4 pain). I have gotten good at ignoring it. Now I have a migraine, level 6-8, dizzy, nausea, right sided head pain, blurry vision, and I’m smelling something weird. It’s the first migraine in a month so that’s progress. But this chronic headache all the time is worrisome to me.

I go to https://www.cowtownheadache.com/ Cowtown Headache center for my migraine treatment.

Should I ask for a referral to neuro?

Any advice?

I’ll answer any question too.

submitted by /u/bitchyber1985
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Migraine Symptoms

Migraines, which have an effect on children and teens as nicely as adults, can development via 4 stages: prodrome, aura, attack and post-drome. Not everyone who has migraines goes through all stages.

★★★ /u/bitchyber1985
😄 " I hope each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery! "

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