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Migraine - Daily headaches, cold-related? : Women-care


Hello dear people of this very supportive community! I've been experiencing daily chronic headaches for almost 4 months now. After reading a lot of posts and comments from here, I decided to share my headache story, as I'm beginning to feel quite hopeless these days.

My headaches started last year in December and it took me some time to figure out that the cold weather is actually the main trigger. It's been a very long and terrible winter for me, considering that even opening the window for a few seconds triggered an intense headache that could last all day long. The pain is worst in the back of the head, going up to the top and also feeling it in the temples. The MRI ruled out any serious condition. Sleeping and alcohol are the only things that give me temporary relief, as well as keeping my head covered most of the time. Coffee usually makes the pain much worse.

These being said, I was wondering if some of you experienced such chronic headaches due to cold temperatures and what helped you find relief or end the pain for good. I think I'm experiencing some kind of neuralgia or cervicogenic headaches.

Wish you all the best and sorry if I excluded any important detail, my head hurts terribly right now, but I finally decided to take the courage to put my problem out here.

submitted by /u/cosmicwhale23
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