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Migraine - Social skills on medication!? : Women-care

Migraine overview

A migraine is a headache that can purpose intense throbbing suffering or a pulsing sensation, typically on one facet of the head. It's often accompanied with the aid of nausea, vomiting, and excessive sensitivity to mild and sound. Migraine assaults can closing for hours to days, and the discomfort can be so excessive that it interferes with your each day activities. For some people, a warning symptom viewed as an air of secrecy takes location until now than or with the headache. An air of secrecy can consist of visible disturbances, such as flashes of mild or blind spots, or different disturbances, such as tingling on one thing of the face or in an arm or leg and concern speaking.

My experience-Social skills on medication!?

I’ve unfortunately been getting almost daily migraines. Some days I need to just start out with a painkiller. I have been prescribed Codeine for cluster headaches and Sumatriptan for the migraines.

I’ve been needing to take these more often and have noticed that I cannot hold a conversation. It’s like my brain switches off, the pain is gone and I’ve returned to whatever tasks I was doing. But any interaction with people is a struggle when they’re in my system.

I struggle to manage registering what the person says and end up saying default things or just laughing because I either can’t remember what they said or just zoned out for that part. I’m super socially awkward and people are starting to just avoid talking to me. Like basic things I miss. Someone will ask me how I am or if I have plans for the weekend and I just say ‘I’m good’ or ‘no plans’ but can’t even remember to ask them how they are or if they have plans and the conversation comes to an awkward silence and they leave usually with a ‘alright, we’ll I’m gonna go…’

Please note the medication isn’t causing rebound headaches. I thought this might be happening but been to the GP and since they’re not everyday or really patterned it’s unlikely! Sometimes its 2/3 days in a row or could be 1 every 2/3 days sometimes a week in between.

Anyone any tips!?

Is there other medications that might work better!?

Is this normal!?

submitted by /u/Extension_Lab7061
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Migraine Symptoms

Migraines, which have an effect on children and teens as nicely as adults, can development via 4 stages: prodrome, aura, attack and post-drome. Not everyone who has migraines goes through all stages.

★★★ /u/Extension_Lab7061
😄 " I hope each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery! "

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