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Migraine - treatment (or lack thereof) rant : Women-care

Migraine overview

A migraine is a headache that can purpose intense throbbing suffering or a pulsing sensation, typically on one facet of the head. It's often accompanied with the aid of nausea, vomiting, and excessive sensitivity to mild and sound. Migraine assaults can closing for hours to days, and the discomfort can be so excessive that it interferes with your each day activities. For some people, a warning symptom viewed as an air of secrecy takes location until now than or with the headache. An air of secrecy can consist of visible disturbances, such as flashes of mild or blind spots, or different disturbances, such as tingling on one thing of the face or in an arm or leg and concern speaking.

My experience-treatment (or lack thereof) rant

I just needed to vent to people who understand. I have suffered from migraines since I was 5 (I am 22). I get them at LEAST once a week, and again, have gotten them at least once a week for 17 years. My parents would give me a bowl or pot to throw up in, and would just let it run its course, which would often mean me being up all night throwing up until I would pass out from exhaustion. My mom took me to the doctor when I was 7 or so and they told me it was probably my eye sight, so I went to an optometrist. I came back with 20/20 vision, and that was the end of trying to find a cause. The first time I was given pain meds was at the age of 14, and it was only so I wouldn't miss a church activity. Up until that point I had no idea there were ways to stop migraines. Fast forward to this year, I have been married 2 years and my husband is worried sick every migraine I have. I would always laugh it off and just say "oh this is just my normal" to which he would say "but it shouldn't be". I go through bottles of excedrin and ibuprofen way faster than is healthy, and still had days where I would be up through the night sick until one day my husband had to come pick me up off the bathroom floor because I didn't have the strength to stand up. He finally convinced me to go to the doctor to get on abortives. They work like a charm and I can't believe I waited this long to start them!

Now here is why this is a rant. I have grown very resentful of my parents this past month because of how they treated my migraines. They took me to one doctor once when I was young, and called it a done deal. AND never thought to tell me until I was a teenager that there were painkillers made for treating migraines. I just feel as though they could have done so much more, and like they didn't care the pain I went through for 17 years. My parents are not bad parents, and were very attentive when it came to my mental health struggles, but I couldn't imagine in the future watching my children struggle so and not trying everything I could to find a resolution.

Okay rant over.

submitted by /u/stinkybinkyboo
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Migraine Symptoms

Migraines, which have an effect on children and teens as nicely as adults, can development via 4 stages: prodrome, aura, attack and post-drome. Not everyone who has migraines goes through all stages.

★★★ /u/stinkybinkyboo
😄 " I hope each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery! "

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