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Migraine - is there a way to make a migraine go away without taking too many pain killers? : Women-care

Migraine overview

A migraine is a headache that can purpose intense throbbing suffering or a pulsing sensation, typically on one facet of the head. It's often accompanied with the aid of nausea, vomiting, and excessive sensitivity to mild and sound. Migraine assaults can closing for hours to days, and the discomfort can be so excessive that it interferes with your each day activities. For some people, a warning symptom viewed as an air of secrecy takes location until now than or with the headache. An air of secrecy can consist of visible disturbances, such as flashes of mild or blind spots, or different disturbances, such as tingling on one thing of the face or in an arm or leg and concern speaking.

My experience-is there a way to make a migraine go away without taking too many pain killers?

27nb [afab] and I've started to get some migraines, or well, I think they're migraines -

  • they're a bit worse than a headache but not overly debilitating
  • pain usually on the right temple
  • nausea is a big issue and I'm usually reduced to eating crackers because anything else upsets my stomach at this time
  • some dizziness upon standing (even when standing slowly) and moving around (like turning corners or turning around)
  • some light and sound sensitivity

I'm pretty sure the extra symptoms means it's a migraine, but idk. and I'm never sure how to handle them because they last for a day or two on average (recently had one that lasted three days). I have some Excedrin migraine but it hasn't been helping (unless I take more than the required amount).

I'm not sure what I can do other than take more medicine. I can't see a doctor atm but I'm working on that, laying down in a dark room only gives me a reprieve while I'm unconscious, I've been drinking water (not too much because too much also makes me nauseous), and I've darkened the screens on my devices (I can't not use my phone/computer/tablet because I need them for work).

any help or insight as to how I can help alleviate the symptoms (mostly the nausea) or get rid of the migraine quickly? I'm not looking for a fix-all cure-all, just something to help until I can see a doctor.

submitted by /u/insomniatic-goblin
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Migraine Symptoms

Migraines, which have an effect on children and teens as nicely as adults, can development via 4 stages: prodrome, aura, attack and post-drome. Not everyone who has migraines goes through all stages.

★★★ /u/insomniatic-goblin
😄 " I hope each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery! "

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