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Migraine - What is/are your top questions to ask a neurologist? : Women-care


Anyone have tips for topics/questions to bring to the table at a neurologist consult?

Background: I have a history of migraine, and was diagnosed by my primary, but I have had recent-ish attacks that have not been controlled/corrected with my current meds and thus, I have my first ever consult with a neurologist this week to try and figure out what is going on. Some research I’ve done on my own has be wondering about cervicogenic migraine/headache. I definitely want to bring that up and see if I have those (or some other headache type) in addition to the very clear cut migraines that are still responding to my current migraine medication. But any other topics you’ve found to be productive would be most excellent.

submitted by /u/RelevantTea42
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