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Migraine - New to migraines : Women-care

What exactly causes a migraine?
The exact cause of migraines is unknown, but they're thought to be the result of abnormal brain activity temporarily affecting nerve signals, chemicals and blood vessels in the brain.

Hey guys,

As of this week I was diagnosed with vertiginous migraines. I also have a fair bit of anxiety which I think has assisted in an all out spiral. I get really dizzy and lightheaded/detached for a day and then I’m semi okay the next day. I thought I was fine after having had my first episode and then being okay for a couple of days but then was right back to square one again. I was given rizatriptan which helps for a little while but feels more like a limp bandaid. I haven’t really been able to eat much either.

Overall I was curious what suggestions you guys had in regards to getting as close to normal as possible. What home activities do you do or other remedies? Thanks in advance :)

submitted by /u/AKTay907
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