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Migraine - Dark/Low-light movie and tv show recommendations?? : Women-care

What exactly causes a migraine?
The exact cause of migraines is unknown, but they're thought to be the result of abnormal brain activity temporarily affecting nerve signals, chemicals and blood vessels in the brain.

I’ve been dealing with a severe migraine for about two weeks now. I’m suuuuper photosensitive right now, but sounds aren’t as much of an issue (unless I’m in the middle of an attack).

I’m soooo bored just sitting here in pain and only listening to podcasts. Bright tv shows are a complete NO GO.

I’ve run through Harry Potter & Gilmore Girls already. My other go-to shows are The Office and Parks & Rec, but those are way too bright at the moment. I need something else that isn’t hard to keep up with and isn’t super blinding bright or has a darker cinematography.

Any recommendations are greatly appreciated! 😁

submitted by /u/RentAggressive3302
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