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Migraine - At first Migraine Aura, new MRI seems unchanged, but new symptoms after 3rd baby : Women-care

Migraine overview

A migraine is a headache that can purpose intense throbbing suffering or a pulsing sensation, typically on one facet of the head. It's often accompanied with the aid of nausea, vomiting, and excessive sensitivity to mild and sound. Migraine assaults can closing for hours to days, and the discomfort can be so excessive that it interferes with your each day activities. For some people, a warning symptom viewed as an air of secrecy takes location until now than or with the headache. An air of secrecy can consist of visible disturbances, such as flashes of mild or blind spots, or different disturbances, such as tingling on one thing of the face or in an arm or leg and concern speaking.

My experience-At first Migraine Aura, new MRI seems unchanged, but new symptoms after 3rd baby

3 Years Ago, I was diagnozed with Migraine Aura.

I had a few bouts of Migraine Aura and Migraine w/o Aura attacks, went to the Neuro, they found a White Matter Hyperinsensitivity in the sub-cortex of my frontal lobe and she said I was at a small risk of stroke so take Topimirate. Seemed to help a bit.

Then I got pregnant with my 3rd baby, it all seemed to go away.

During pregnancy I found some back pain and shooting leg pains, but brushed it off to pregnancy.

Post-partum, I would experience pins and needles on my left side. Thought it was normal with breastfeeding and post-partum.

7 months go by and the pins and needles seem to increase in frequency and sometimes in magnitude where it's unbearable. I also had my Aura Migraines return, but it was a bit different. Instead of Zig Zag lines like I use to get, now I experienced 2x blury spots in my Left Eye and 1x just a small black spot / floater. Also, constant dull eye pain in the left side.

I called the Neuro to schedule an appointment. They wanted to schedule it in 3 weeks, I demanded sooner and got to see them a few weeks ago. She said my Unilateral Numbness is likely all from the Migraines. She mentioned things like Silent Migraines, Aura can do this too, Complex? Migraine? And Hemiplegic Migraines.

In the weeks since then, I feel like it's almost been worse.

  • Every night now there seems to be something related to nerves or numbness or pins and needles or shooting pains... its hard to explain. Seems largely focused on Left Arm and Left Leg. But then some nights I experience it in my torso, my chest, down my left side.
  • It's every night. But sometimes I feel like I get the shooting arm pain in the day. Especially driving to work or something.
  • The thing is I am not sure if it's associated with a migraine attack as I know it. It's usually related to going to bed, feeling it in bed, and it's worse when I have to lay down and breastfeed the baby on my side.
    • My husband has helped a lot in the last few days by taking the baby to bed instead of me breastfeeding. Helps a bit.
  • I almost always feel better in the morning. Sporadic spasm issues throughout the day. Weakness of the left side I think. My husband says sometimes I look like I am limping. Or I need help with carrying the baby.
  • These peripheral nervous system (limbs and body sensations or pains) doesn't seem related to what I know as a migraine attack.
    • Yes I get migraines and I have to go lay down. Sometimes I get aura like I said. Sometimes I don't. I get big dull eye pain. I am very tired. Can barely speak or want to.
    • But the night time arm pain, leg shakes or pins and needles... this doesn't seem related to an attack.
    • I get an attack a few times a week or maybe 1x a week. Lately less so I feel like in the last 2 weeks. But my experience of these peripheral issues are daily.

Now we expected MS. But a few things to note and I am not sure if it helps or hurt our case:

  • Now that my husband is aware of the issues I have he's been more attentitive to the details. He realized that I don't have full peripheral vision in my left eye and it hurts my eye to move. He was sure I had some Optic Neuritis... So I went to an Opthamalogist who did a full test.
    • I got diagnosed with Astigimastism, wasn't aware of it. Not sure if that's related to my peripheral vision loss. The Opthamalogist said that the dull eye pain is common with migrainers. And that's kind of it. No real convo or answer for my inability to see. Otherwise my eyes looked healthy.
    • They did a standard nerve test of the opic nerves and seems like healthy.
    • My husband and I were relieved but we wanted to see if the MRI would show something more?
  • MRI came back and it looks largely unchanged...
    • The same lesion is said to be unchanged. In the sub cortical white matter.
      • The radiologist makes a statement that it appears to be something what is common in headache syndromes or vasospastic phenemona. But the imaging of the MRI for this area of the parenchyma seems to be unchanged according to them.
      • The new comment I think is only related to my visual sinuses, which I believe is just my sinus area and not my eyes. And this was said to have a Asymetrical Hypoplasia versus the Actelectsis of the Left Maximillary Gland. Okay? I can't find anything on any of that. No idea. These terms don't sound good in Google dictionary but not sure how it relates.
      • And I think my Optical section of the MR, I believe, is normal. Like the rest of my MRI.
    • So on one hand we feel relieved again, but then at the same time this doesn't explain what I am going through. Is the same lesion causing new issues? Is it something related to the maximillary gland?

Daily, especially night time related what seems to be nerve related issues - what I can only explain as paresthesia, dysesthesia. I will admit that when I do experience this, that it seems like it occurs for like 2 hours (give or take) and depending on when I experience it can impact the rest of the time. Meaning, if it comes at 630PM... I get it for like an hour or two. But then at 9pm and so forth it's not bad or subsides in a way. Whereas on other days I don't feel anything until 8 or 9pm and then it stays for like the same 2 hours. No idea.

Not always accompanied with a headache or migraine.

But I do notice that when I get really worried, or panicky or anxious... it seems to arise, or get worse...

and when I relax, and when my husband can help me or calm me down it tends to get better.

Any idea? Any similar stories or MRI experiences?

Thank you

submitted by /u/TheSensation19
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Migraine Symptoms

Migraines, which have an effect on children and teens as nicely as adults, can development via 4 stages: prodrome, aura, attack and post-drome. Not everyone who has migraines goes through all stages.

★★★ /u/TheSensation19
😄 " I hope each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery! "

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