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Migraine - Please help me I’m going crazy I’m not used to this I need help : Women-care

Migraine overview

A migraine is a headache that can purpose intense throbbing suffering or a pulsing sensation, typically on one facet of the head. It's often accompanied with the aid of nausea, vomiting, and excessive sensitivity to mild and sound. Migraine assaults can closing for hours to days, and the discomfort can be so excessive that it interferes with your each day activities. For some people, a warning symptom viewed as an air of secrecy takes location until now than or with the headache. An air of secrecy can consist of visible disturbances, such as flashes of mild or blind spots, or different disturbances, such as tingling on one thing of the face or in an arm or leg and concern speaking.

My experience-Please help me I’m going crazy I’m not used to this I need help

I take ADHD medication.. Was working great in the beginning, but now it seems to not work as well focusing wise and I always have a headache. I’ve tried EVERYTHING I could think of

-water -food -not vaping -sleeping enough -not crying -not from the dentist -caffeine withdrawal

Let me explain. I know these meds dehydrate you. But yesterday, I drank lots of water. I ate enough food. I didn’t vape at not. I wasn’t crying(I get a headache after crying) I slept enough. I went to the dentist two days ago so if that’s the reason, it’s already been enough time. I had caffeine this morning and yesterday

Yesterday going to sleep I had a horrible headache. I ATE enough foods that were salty and drank enough water. I went to sleepy with this horrible weird headache. I’m assuming it’s a tension headache as it not just one spot. This morning I also woke up with this odd headache. I took my medication and drank an energy drink and I still have this stupid headache. It CANT be dehydration I woke up pretty full from eating junk food last night. I will drink more water but I don’t think it will help. It went away after taking meds, drinking energy and taking 3 Tylenols. But now I feel it coming back 2 hours later. It’s a weird feeling on my head and it bothers me so much. I don’t honestly don’t think it’s a migraine, like it’s not pounding like crazy it’s just an uncomfortable tired weird tinglish feeling with some pain.

I’m going insane. I have no motivation to do anything. I know it’s not a migraine but I am desperate. It went away for a little so I didn’t go to the doctors but now it’s back. My period is just finishing so it can’t be that. It’s so random and it’s ruining me. I hate everything. I can’t do this. And in the after noon I was so sleepy and couldn’t workout. I did notice sensitivity to light and sound this morning. I can’t do this I can’t just keep popping Tylenols like they are candy. I don’t know the cause. Please. Please help. I serious want to cry from this. I am at a loss. I will chug water and see if that helps. I really cannot handle this anymore…. I have school starting up. I have work. I have to go to the gym. I have things to do. This is bothering me so much. If I go to a doctor I feel like they won’t even do anything… plus I can’t see a doctor until next week. I also felt it in my eyes this morning

Please. Please. Please. Help me. I hate my life so much this started happening 3-4 weeks ago. I don’t think it’s a brain tumor as my speech is okay and I just experience the symptoms of a tension headache but it’s ruining me. I WILL SEE A DOCTOR ASAP PLEASE JUST ANYTHING PLEASE DONT REMOVE I JUST NEED ANY KIND OF HELP

submitted by /u/halloooo00
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Migraine Symptoms

Migraines, which have an effect on children and teens as nicely as adults, can development via 4 stages: prodrome, aura, attack and post-drome. Not everyone who has migraines goes through all stages.

★★★ /u/halloooo00
😄 " I hope each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery! "

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