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Migraine - Migraine symptoms vs pregnancy symptoms : Women-care

What exactly causes a migraine?
The exact cause of migraines is unknown, but they're thought to be the result of abnormal brain activity temporarily affecting nerve signals, chemicals and blood vessels in the brain.

Wow, I had a wild week. I extreme nausea, complete food aversion, and fatigue Sunday-Tuesday (but no other migraine symptoms) and literally thought that it might be early signs of pregnancy. I woke up really dizzy today, had an aura and then around 7 AM the headache started. I’ve never had the pre-migraine symptoms last more than 12 hours and usually I get nausea and auras at the same time. Finally feeling better, but wow I was surprised at the lack of information on the web about how these symptoms overlap and can feel so similar (for reference the only other time I’ve felt nausea that long with out a headache was when I was previously pregnant 6 years ago).

I’ve never really connected my migraines to hormonal fluctuations- I’ve been on different birth controls which completely stopped my period. My main trigger has always been lack of sleep, which is highly influenced by adhd induced insomnia. Now I’ve started reading about hormonal migraines and wonder if that has been part of the picture the whole time, unbeknownst to me.

submitted by /u/tiddlexfix
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