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Migraine - anyone else is on zolmitrptan oral dispersible tablets and think they work wonders...also what side effects you get? also my migraine story : Women-care


Hi from the UK, so since leaving school at 17 (40 soon) I have always had migraines which got worse over the years been on all prevention tablets which did not work and found the only think that works if I take it in time is zolmitrptan....I have the oral dispersible ones that you leave ON TOP on the tongue to melt as it gets in the system way faster than normal tablets. 90% of the time it gets rid of the on coming migraine or stops one that just started.

When I used to get bad migraines I was literally being sick every 15mins like clockwork for 2 full days sometimes if lucky 1 full one and part of the early morning next day. I say it was like clockwork because I would be sick....maybe 8 times till stomach was empty then I'd down a pint or near a pint of cold water as I needed something to come up next time....I'd be ok for 5 mines and then BAM I'd start feeling it coming...15th min being sick again...down pint of water and repeat for 1 to 2 full days...every 15 mins it was horrid and zero sleep too.

Scans showed nothing and specialist said I've tried all tablets and Botox which did nothing at all and he said some people just get bad migraines and just have to deal with them best they can.

Zolmitrptan usually does this though I sometimes take a combo of 1 naproxen, 1 anti-sickness tablet and 1 zolmitrptan. Depends how I feel as I can tell what kind of head it will be.

The only side effects from zolmitrptan I get are my fingers and more sensitive to heat, everything that feels warm normally it then feels hotter than what it is and this is also in my mouth and tongue....only lasts maybe 1 hr that side effect though.

Anything and everything can set my migraines off, strong fragrances and smells, lights, loudness, being too hot and warm etc also on top of this but they said not related I can not travel by bus or train as I get violently ill and no anti sickness tablet helps with that for me, also passenger in a car I can be ok for 10 mins and it will get me, sometimes longer but then I'll start feeling ill on the way back.

Driving I am ok as long as I am not driving more than 1 hr as it get get very iffy then and I'd need a long break between driving back

submitted by /u/OutrageousAsk1284
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